Sunday, August 8, 2010

this close [ ]

We are almost closed. The appraisal fight was WON!!! I have some badass peoples watchin my back! No one gave up. I am so proud. And lucky. Get yourselves an appraiser friend!! So they can help you fight the B/S appraisals that come up - and they will come up! Unless you are lucky enough to deal with only cash. or conventional buyers that can come in with more cash.

I have learned a lot. I have been researching past deals that got away, I probably always will follow them just to see how far out of line I was. I just found out that I missed a (LOCAL) deal by $250 !!!!! I was told that I was close, but I wouldn't budge.

I always thought that I would look more serious if I gave my highest and best up front, no screwin' around, I already researched it and THIS is my offer..........WELL, that isn't working out so great for me . Now, I'm going to leave a little wiggle room. So, when the listing agent says "you are close", I will be bumpin' it up at least $250 smackers ;)

updates to follow.......Hot lead, I'm out the door!


Steph said...


Keepin' my fingers crossed for ya over here...


Esi said...

Congrats Kelly, you are almost there. It's amazing how much you learn from a "nightmare" deal. The easy deal are always great of course. I'm rooting for ya

Kelly said...

Thank you! Just learned it might be closed the beginning of next week. I don't get why it takes so LoooooNG!? :)

Eileen-WI said...

Congratulations Kelly! This week will fly by and you'll be at the closing table before you know it! So happy for you!!