Sunday, August 23, 2009


Vegas Turquoise house!! The bank approved my counter to their counter (my original offer). My money partner is checking it out and it is kind of thin. Why would my agent call me on the weekend to give me news from the bank? Do the banks work on the weekends? If it all goes through I have to do some scramblin' to cover the deposit. Positive thoughts, good energy, keep calm. I should wait and go WOOHOO after It is done and sells right? I have to keep saying; Eggs are not chickens, Eggs are not chickens......... :)


Shae said...

Breathe Kelly breathe! LOL! Congrats on getting your offer accepted. Go get 'em!

Steph said...


That's great news, Kelly!

Like Shae said- take a breath, gather yourself, and GO GET 'EM!

Eileen-WI said...

YEAAAHHH! That's another $5k in YOUR pocket for waiting a few extra days!! Congratulations!

Kelly said...

Thank you!! :) I'm still waiting, patiently.

Scott Costello said...

very well done Kelly!