Monday, June 28, 2010

Gotta Bea Betta Blogga :)

Well, it's been a while and since I'm waitin' for my partner to call me, I will blog.

Lots and lots has happened. Izzy is almost all grown up. I haven't worked with her as much as I would have liked but I take she and the Duff dog when I can, when it's not too hot.

One Son is getting married in less than a month to a great girl. One Son is moving to San Luis Obispo (I think it is his equivalent to backpacking across Europe) I have passed my finals and am waiting to sit for my State exam.

My deal fell through, My magical buyer couldn't transfer from San Francisco. BUT>>>

I had a few fha offers but no other conv or cash offers.....well i had one annoying agent kept offering 100,00 cash. oooo yeah we will take a 70k hit for cash all day......not!

I don't get my market here, it was smokin' then a big drop off, no inventory and no buyers. One buyer was really strong with lots of cash but they wanted fha because they needed to pay for a wedding. His mom is the buyer agent. We accepted their offer. I found out that if you put any addendum's on the fha offer, like "must come in with cash if appraisal doesn't support selling price", fha doesn't like that. The fha contract must be as clean as you can make it! AND, if you can keep the inspections between you and the seller , it will help your deal go through.

Our bug inspection came back crappy, they want to tent the house and fumigate for termites. They wanted to take apart the back porch, that would have been a potential hornets nest$$$. I am giving them a credit at closing for half of the estimated repairs. They like it.

What I was most excited about is the appraisal came back at my asking price WOOHOO! Then I was reminded there might be a second appraisal, now I'm freaked out again. My comps are over 6 months old now and everything in the hood has been crappy shortsales and low low prices. ...must....think....positive!! or positively!! It's a 45 day close. We are using my lender dude so we can keep a little more control. All the money stuff is in, we are waiting for underwriting and that's it. Everyone wants a quicker close, we will see.

I went to the Millionaire Mind Intensive.....OMG! Had a blast, met all kinds of cool people, we laughed , we cried, we broke stuff. I'm different! Now I want to go to enlightened warrior camp, it's one of my goals. If you have a chance to go to the MMI GO! I have free passes for vip seating so if you plan to go, I can save you 1200 smackers!

I am researching a new market of $1.5m homes, very excited about that!!

Today, I will be working from the lake with my is great!

I gotta be a better blogger.

Have a Wonderful Monday!


Steph said...

Great to hear from you Kelly!

I've been dying to go to one of the MMI events- was it that good?

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for your deal to close. It will close. It will close...

Have a great 4th!

Steph :)

Kelly said...

Thank you Steph!

Hey, I will send you tickets, you can book it when you want. They are adding 15 or so new MMI events for the last half of the year. It is SOOOOO that good!

Hope your 4th was stupendous!