Thursday, February 4, 2010

Here we go

And Exhale!

It records at 10am and I will be waiting with my hammer and my prybar at the front door for the keys! Then I will call the locksmith.

I really can't believe it..... (yes I can) I'm so ready!

Now the fun begins! I don't think I will be posting much, unless there is a hotspot nearby. I'll try to post before and after pics - that's why we do it, right? :)

I like this quote of the day;
Crystallize your goals. Make a plan for achieving them and set yourself a deadline. Then, with supreme confidence, determination and disregard for obstacles and other people's criticisms, carry out your plan. -Paul Meyer

I'll be listening to the Superbowl, won't get to watch it this year....... Go Saints!! I think it will be 24-21 Saints. Maybe some overtime ??

Oh and I'm holding a paint party in 3 weeks, we will be grillin' and y'all can bring a salad or a side dish and a lawn chair, casual dress :) See you then!


Eileen-WI said...

You go Girl!! I wish I was closer... I'm always up for a BBQ with some cold beer. Oh yeah and some painting!

Steph said...

Good stuff Kelly!

Take lots of pictures so we all can see what you've got going on over there. :)

Count me in for the paint party- I'll bring the beer. :)

Julie Broad said...

That is fantastic!! Good luck. And I think a video blog might be the perfect thing to capture the project. Good luck.