Monday, February 22, 2010

During photos

Here are some before and during photos. I don't have much time to blog. I've been there since I closed on it and have been working on it every day, except today. I will make this quick with lots of photos.
On the left of this picture is a laundry area, very hokey, it's gotta go.The floor is a bit strange in the kitchen. it is at least an inch higher than the hardwood floor in the living room.and there is layer upon layer of vinyl.
I decided to keep the front door and strip it rather than replace it. This is the type of hardware on most of the doors.

I'm going to change the patina to all bronze to renew them.This bathroom stays. Too bad it's chrome - chrome is for cars.
This bathroom will be changed around to become the master bath, the shower is toast and where the picture is taken from will become the laundry room.
another view of future laundry room and doorway to the master bedroom. The glass door will be replaced with a pocket door.This is the built in closet with drawers and cabinets above in master bedroom. The bathroom is behind that wall.Kitchen gutted (except the 20 layers of flooring)Dining room starting to remove the flooring.and after all of those layers with a zillion nails I found hardwood :) Woo hoo!
this is mid demo of laundry area, you can see shower to the left. The shower had 3 layers (why not?) one was pink tin squares made to look like ceramic or porcelain tile ??? strange and not water proof -bad design
.More Laundry hall and shower.This is the scarry rotten under the shower mid demo shot. I knew the bathroom was getting complete new sub floor so this was not a suprise - ugly

ick.And we have filled up one and a half of these so far. I'm planting little shrubs down the walkway.

Great tip for you rehabbers out there - check out your habitat re-store. I donated the double ovens and a few doors to them. I was able to pick up my chandelier, ceiling fan, pendant lights, windows and a few other things. Super savings!! And I got my faucets and cabinet hardware online for 1/3 of what home depot charges. Pays to shop around.

Gotta go. Busy day.

PS. Jodi, you can soooooo do this ;)


Ahmed said...

It's so great that you got a deal and I am so happy for you.
I finally moved to Houston last month.

Kelly said...

Thanks Ahmed! Good to hear from you! Houston, right on. Keep us KISS flippers updated. I'm super happy about this rehab. It just needs to go faster, I gotta kick it up a couple of notches :)

Scott Costello said...

way to go Kelly! Love the pictures and you right in the middle of the game. Well done!

Oh and I finally got the usb pen drive that you sent me around Christmas with the audio book on it. Took so long i forgot about it!

Carey_PA said...


Loved, loved, loved all of your pics. But just seeing you in the midst of a rehab gave me a headache lol

I'm not so much a rehab fan...can ya tell? I have done a mini-one tho....and yes, I had a headache then too. Actually, now that I think about it, I've done 3 (1 including the home I live in.)

All headaches lol and all were minor......Good for you tho......I'm happy for you!

Keep up those pics for us!

Ohhh question for ya....are you doing all of the work or have you hired contractors?


Eileen-WI said...


Congratulations on getting started! WOO HOO!!

Maybe next year or the year after I would like to start rehabbing. We did 1 pre-hab and had a good time with it but ended up making about the same profit as if we would have just wholesaled. BUT I would love to make something "ugly" come back to life!!

Can't wait to see more!

Kelly said...

Thanks Scott! I know it took forever :/ It was a nice surprise that way ;) Enjoy!

Carey, Thanks! Headache? really? I am having a blast!! Solving the problems when everyone is freaking out around me. answer = both. I swing a mean hammer lol.

Hi Eileen, Thank you! I will be posting new pictures soon.

Jodi Quinn said...

KELLY!!! I haven't been even looking at any blogs for a long time, then I look and Holy Moley! That is awesome!!! I've been outta the loop, and I've been missing all this excitement!

What are the repair #s on this?

So excited for you!

(I will be updating my blog soon)