Saturday, November 14, 2009


Distractions are going to get worse as the holidays approach, I can feel it already. My Birthday is Tuesday so my Mom took me to get a golden retriever puppy. Her name is Izzy. She's 7 weeks old and knows her name, knows sit and is working on paw (or shake), and is crate trained. I'm training her for hunting. She's still freaked out by the cows and cars that go by so I won't be taking her shooting yet. My cow dog Duffy loves her!

We spent the day looking at houses and talking to neighbors. This one house was in pretty good shape, ok price, been on the market for a long time. The neighbor meets us with his 3 dogs and starts telling us about the sewer issues and other problems with the house that the bank isn't going to tell you. The previous owners put a tangle of romex wire in the sewer line which has no clean out. Could have been true or could have been the neighbor wanted the house.

I bought Steph's replay of the Flip this REO or Flip or Treat call with JP.......Wow! Steph is amazingly generous with the info. We all are very lucky to know her. And JP is a great moderator/ interviewer ! Another fine event!!

We are going to Vegas at the end of the month. I will be bringin' home the deals. :) Tim gets to go this time so it will be even more fun!

I started my training for my license, first I'll be a California agent, then it's Nevada.

I'll be trying to keep the blog up.....been busy with too much nonREI stuff. Very frustrating to be taken away from what I was so focussed on.

That's all I got for now.

Keep kickin' butt!!


Steph said...

OMG, Izzy looks so cute and fluffy! I want one!!

Glad to hear you enjoyed the call I did w JP. It was kinda long, but hopefully it didn't put you to sleep. :)

Hope you have an awesome B-Day tomorrow!


Kelly said...

Hey Steph,

No sleepin', good stuff!

Izzy is like a teddy bear. I'll be taking her everywhere.

Big BDay plans for later, just a regular work day for me though.

Thanks Steph!


jp moses said...

Hey, thanks for the kudos, Kelly! Steph's always downplaying how good she really is...and yes, she made that session ROCK with good info. She knows way more than she's willing to admit, even to herself.

Hey, the dog's a cutie! Congrats!

Going shooting? You shoot guns? Cool! What kind?

Kelly said...

Hi JP!
I have a couple shotguns. The 16ga and 20ga pumps were inherited from my Great Grandmother! My Brother bought me a 12ga Ithica Double side by side a couple of years ago. We trap shoot mostly, clay pigeons. The whole family is involved and it's a lot of competition and fun! Maybe next year I'll have pheasant or wild turkey for Thanksgiving.